Friday, July 3, 2009

Tip of the day!

Today's tip from us at instant wow gold farming tips tricks, guides, etc is that DO NOT waste time trying to find ways around paying for wow. You can waste A LOT of time trying to do this when u can be using ur game time acually playing. Also many of the ones the really appeal to u is often fake and does not acually help you in any way and may even scam you. You should just play with the game time you have and enjoy it. If you decide wow isn't the game for you because you don't want to pay, then quit wow or hop on a private server. I'm not sure if private servers a legal and if they aren't what the consiquinces can be for playing on one, but they're a great way for playing wow without paying or if u want to quit.

That our tip for today from instant wow gold farming tips, trick, guides, and etc.

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