Thursday, May 28, 2009

I'm Level 80... Now What? (Part 1)

With all of you skilled World of Warcraft that are so amazing at leveling, I'm sure many of you have at least one level 80 now! I know many players that rush to level 80 and have no idea what to do when they get there! So I am going to tell you how to have fun and how to be the best level 80 you can be :)

First, you're going to want to get geared! So hit or and search up all your dream gear. At the moment, for Patch 3.1, Ulduar probably has the best items. But you can't hit Ulduar with quest reward gear now can you? So start small, and work your way up. Do Eye of Eternity, Halls of Lightning, Naxxramas, whatever! Another alternative is doing dailies, and LOTS of them. This will bring your repution up, unlocking some sweet gear. It'll also make you some decent gold, and you can finally buy that Epic Flying Mount you've always wanted! Or maybe you might consider getting Dual Spec?

Some factions to grind rep are:
Argent Crusade
Kirin Tor
Knights of the Ebon Blade
Sons of Hodir
Wyrmrest Accord

Start with heroics, work your way up to raids. Join a raiding guild, most guilds don't have a problem with helping you get geared!

This is part one of the "I'm Level 80... Now what?" Posts! Come back often for a new post here at World of Warcraft Tips Tricks Strategies Secrets and Guides! (Man that's a mouthfull...)

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