Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Death Knight tanks...WAY UNDER RATED

Today from our super awesome World of Warcraft gold farming tips, tricks, guides, and more, we bring you................


Death knights aren't bad tanks at all. They have frost presence which allows them to tank without a shield (let's them DPS and tank) and they have things like DEATH AND DECAY WHICH GAINS AGGRO BUT MANY DEATHKNIGHT TANKS DONT'T USE IT!!!!!!

These are great factors to tanking. DPS helps them keep agro and the spells that keep aggro make it all the better. Deathknight tanks just need to know how to use their class and make the best of their spells and etc. I have had many experinces with bad DK tanks too but I rolled one myself and found out that they aren't as half bad as i thought they would be. So my point is that if you have a deathknight tank and you guys aren't doing well in an instance, it's not blizzard's fault or the class' fault......ITS the PERSON PLAYING'S FAULT. You can blame them 100% because deathknights can tank amazingly with their dps tanking just gotta know how to play one.

THat's all from our super duper awesome world of warcraft gold farming tips, tricks, guides...strategies?

STILL don't know what the site's called...(MAYBE SOMEONE SHOULD TELL ME?!?!?!?!)

Hope you enjoy/LEARN SOMETHING =P

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