Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Talents from World of Warcraft...whatever we're called team: Deathknight

Today from the "Team" of World of warcraft Gold Farming Tips, Tricks,....Guides and Strategies?(I think I got it right this time =D). We bring you our newest highlight...brand new premade talents! Today we will give you a sample talent from all three Death knight trees. These talents have been carefully made and will make a great base for any world of warcraft player's base talent idea.




Warning: these talents are made to suit my style of playing. Each individual will have their own playing style and therefore might not fit everyone, but I still strongly recommend considering these specs.

Special Note?: If anyone from Thottbot reads this..... your welcome. We picked you guys over Wowhead and Alakazam....and whatever else.

Special Note 2?: That means we hope you link our site on yours =D. If you

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